Military Warehouse

Military Warehouse


Our Guarantee and How to Order

Military Warehouse

P.O. Box 261

Cambridge, MN 55008




Although we buy and sell WWII relics from all Axis countries including Germany, we have NO sympathies whatsoever with any fascist regime or ideology. The first collectors of such war souvenirs were the victorious American G.I.s who brought them home in 1945.


Our Guarantee of Authenticity

All items being offered for sale on our Military Warehouse website are guaranteed original unless otherwise noted. All of the Nazi items listed for sale on our website are guaranteed original pre-May 8, 1945 manufacture unless otherwise noted. All of the Imperial Japanese items listed for sale on my website are guaranteed original pre-September 2, 1945 manufacture unless otherwise noted. All items sold through our Military Warehouse website are subject to our Military Warehouse Refund Policy.

Our Refund Policy

All items sold through our Military Warehouse website are subject to our five-day return privilege unless otherwise noted. You will receive a prompt refund if the item is returned in the same condition as shipped. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable.



Please note: We ship to U.S. addresses only

METHOD OF PAYMENT - We accept PayPal, Cash App, Venmo, money orders, cashier's checks and personal checks (personal checks must clear bank before shipment). We also accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover Card credit and debit cards by calling us at 763-689-1146 (you can also make credit card payments through the PayPal website without calling us). We will also send you a PayPal invoice if you desire.

PAYPAL PAYMENTS - We can send you a PayPal invoice if you desire.

PAYMENT ADDRESS - All prices are in U.S. dollars. We reserve the right to specify the type of payment we will accept. Please DO NOT send cash. Please make your check or money order payable to "Military Warehouse" and mail it to the following address:

Military Warehouse

P.O. Box 261

Cambridge, MN 55008


NOTE: We ship to US addresses only. Actual amount charged to customers for shipping and handling within the U.S. may vary from the sample rates below (we usually send items either via USPS Priority Mail or via USPS First-Class Mail).

  • Order totaling $50 value or less = $5.
  • Order totaling over $50 value and under $100 value = $7.
  • Order totaling at least $100 and under $200 value = $10.
  • Order totaling at least $200 and under $300 value = $12.
  • Order totaling at least $300 and over = $15 minimum (depending on weight and insurance cost).
  • Other Foreign buyers - We'll ship to your friend in the U.S.

35-Day Payment Plan for orders under $500 - Military Warehouse offers a "35-Day" installment payment plan to established customers for orders totaling under $500.  The buyer must make an initial down payment of 25% of the total purchase price of the item(s) being ordered under this plan. The buyer must complete the payments for the full purchase price of the specific item(s) purchased within 35 days of receipt by Military Warehouse of the initial down payment. All payments must be completed within 35 days of receipt by Military Warehouse of the initial down payment, otherwise all payments may be forfeited to Military Warehouse. The item(s) ordered will be shipped to the buyer upon receipt of the final payment. Please contact us first for approval of any payment plan.

60-Day Payment Plan for orders totaling $500 or more - Military Warehouse offers a "60-Day" installment payment plan to established customers for orders totaling $500 or more. The buyer must make a down payment of one-third of the total purchase price, with a second one-third payment within 30 days, and the final one-third payment within 60 days from the initial down payment. All payments must be completed within 60 days of receipt by Military Warehouse of the initial down payment, otherwise all payments may be forfeited to Military Warehouse. The item(s) ordered will be shipped to the buyer upon receipt of the final payment. Please contact us first for approval of any payment plan.

UNCLAIMED ITEMS RETURNED TO US - A 20% handling / restocking fee is charged by Military Warehouse to the customer if any common carrier attempts to deliver properly addressed items ordered from Military Warehouse by the customer, and delivery cannot be made because the customer isn't available to receive or sign for the order or refuses the order and the items ordered are shipped back to Military Warehouse.

PRECIOUS METAL COINS, BULLION, INGOTS, ETC. - All coins, bullion, ingots or other items offered by Military Warehouse which may contain any precious metal are being sold strictly for the item's numismatic, historical or artistic value only. The customer for these items agrees by ordering such items from Military Warehouse that such items aren't being purchased for their precious metal content, if any, and that the precise precious metal weight and content of such items have not been measured or verified by Military Warehouse. Please refer to the item's photos on our website listing for their condition and identification details. All such items are subject to our five-day return privilege unless otherwise noted. All items containing precious metals are shipped to U.S. addresses only.

Precious Metal Coins and Items - All coins (including bullion coins) and items purchased by us, or offered for sale by us, which may contain any precious metal are being bought or sold strictly for the coin's or item's numismatic, historical or artistic value only. Anyone who sells, trades, gives or consigns to us any item containing any amount of precious metal must be at least 18 years old or older and be legally able to do so. The seller or buyer of these coins or items agrees by selling or buying such coins or items to or from us that such coins or items aren't being sold or purchased for their precious metal content, if any, and that the precise precious metal weight and content of such coins and items have not been measured or verified by us. Buying prices for precious metals: Gold = $400 ounce, Silver = $3 ounce, Platinum = $450 ounce. Please refer to the coin's or item's photos on our website listing and/or on our "War Relic Update Alert" email for their condition and identification details. All coins (including bullion coins) sold by us are subject to our five-day return privilege unless otherwise noted. We don't ship or deliver any item containing precious metals to any address outside the United States.

EDGED WEAPONS AND PRECIOUS METALS SHIPPED TO U.S. ADDRESSES ONLY - We presently don't ship edged weapons (i.e. swords, daggers, bayonets, knives, etc.) or precious metals to any address outside the United States. They would have to be shipped to your friend in the U.S.

PLEASE NOTE - You (the customer or any other entity) warrant by ordering or obtaining any item or service from Military Warehouse, or by doing any type of business with Military Warehouse, that you are without any legal restrictions from ordering such item(s) or doing such business and that you are complying with all your local, State, Federal and/or other laws and that such items as you order or otherwise obtain from Military Warehouse can be legally shipped and/or delivered to you.

MINNESOTA SALES TAX - Minnesota residents please add your appropriate local MN sales tax rate to your order total including shipping and handling.  If your local MN Sales Tax rate is higher than 6.875% and we haven’t adjusted the rate we charged, Military Warehouse will pay the difference.

SALES AND USE TAX  -  Customers outside of Minnesota are responsible for paying their State and local sales and use taxes on items ordered from us.

CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTACT - Please contact us at telephone number 763-689-1146 or email us at

Military Warehouse

P.O. Box 261

Cambridge, MN 55008-0261 USA


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WW2 German War Relics Wanted. We Pay in Advance. Contact Us.

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